McMaster Institute for Health Equity Social justice and fairness are at the heart of health The new McMaster Institute for Health Equity seeks to build on McMaster’s historic and current strength in interdisciplinary research to make a significant contribution to understanding and improving health equity. LEARN MORE     Seminars Join us for our 2024-2025 Seminar Series Our Health Equity seminar series presents timely, health-equity focused research on a diverse range of topics that is relevant to researchers, students, staff and community members across a wide array of disciplines and backgrounds. LEARN MORE Research Enhancing the impact of research on health equity McMaster Institute for Health Equity will seize upon McMaster’s strengths in inter-disciplinary research, knowledge mobilization and community engagement to achieve maximum impact. LEARN MORE     Podcast Listen to the Better Evidence Podcast Helping listeners understand the facts on income, housing, and other hot topics that will lead to a better world. LEARN MORE
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2024-2025 Seminar Series: Join us!
Research: Learn more
The Better Evidence Podcast: Listen now!
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